Thank You!


Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities


You’ve Made an Incredible Impact Through Our Matching Gift Campaign!

Thank you to all who so generously donated to Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities on behalf of the participating non-profits organizations.  We received donations of $69,975.90! This means, with our matching donations, you’ve helped raise over $139,951 in total.

Visit our Matching Gifts Campaign page to learn more about this successful initiative.

Look At What's Ahead!

Our Next Big Initiative is Coming Soon

Watch for our announcement of an upcoming housing rehabilitation matching grant program. This program is being designed to provide up to $30,000 per home renovation to qualifying social service and faith-based partners.

The program has two broad goals: 1) renovating distressed properties and improving neighborhoods; and 2) providing safe, clean and affordable housing for the special population clients of these very passionate and successful organizations.

The program is currently being designed and is slated to be announced later this fall.

Stay Tuned!

Our Mission

Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit subsidiary of The Cuyahoga Land Bank, was created to provide supportive services and opportunities to vulnerable populations and communities, and the organizations that serve these populations.

What We Do

Watch this video to learn more about how, in partnership with local municipalities and nonprofit organizations, The Cuyahoga Land Bank is making an impact in Northeast Ohio.

Partnership Is The Key

How We Serve Those Most In Need

We formed Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities to provide low-cost/no-cost homes and housing support to the most vulnerable populations in our community, including adults aging out of foster care, single moms transitioning from homelessness, women escaping domestic violence and trafficking, disabled veterans and others.

Through The Cuyahoga Land Bank, we have donated over 100 homes to these vulnerable individuals. We’ve been able to accomplish this with help from our sponsors and by partnering with municipalities, nonprofit organizations, faith-based communities, and local volunteers.

Jordan Community Resource Center 


Tenisha Gant-Watson of the Jordan Community Resource Center recently took part in a meeting with Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President, and Attorney General William Barr where she and the organization were recognized for their efforts to combat human trafficking. The government awarded JCRC a substantial grant to continue its vital work. Congratulations, Tenisha and team!

Tenisha Grant Watson | Jordan Community Resource Center

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cuyahoga Land Bank?

Led by President Gus Frangos, the Cuyahoga Land Bank strategically acquires properties, returns them to productive use, reduces blight, increases property values, promotes economic development, supports community goals, and improves the quality of life for county residents.

What is Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities, it’s goals and mission?

Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities was created to promote the Cuyahoga Land Bank’s existing charitable, social service and faith-based work with other partner charities whose clients include: disabled veterans, individuals transitioning out of incarceration, adults aging out of foster care and single moms with children.

Cuyahoga Lank Bank Charities provides support via grants, technical assistance and donated homes, with the goal of promoting:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Economic Stability and Equitable Wealth Building
  • Education
  • Family Stability through Home Ownership

How can I help support your mission?

By making a donation to Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities. This donation can be general or directed to one of the agencies serving the special population group listed.

What more can I do?

  • In-kind donations of new or lightly used clothing for men and women, new furniture or appliances to be installed into one of our donated homes
  • Become a monthly sustaining donor in any amount
  • Participate in periodic event fundraising conference calls and spreading the word to others who have a heart for veterans, single moms with children, adults aging out of foster care, refuge relief, recovery from substance abuse, and other special population groups.
  • For further information contact Jacqui Knettel at the Cuyahoga Land Bank at 216-698-8772

Will Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities be fundraising in other ways in the future?

Yes! There will be ongoing fundraising for the work of Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities’ coupled ongoing financial support from the Cuyahoga Land Bank. Cuyahoga Land Bank Charities will also sponsor and provide periodic matching grant drives for the passionate work of our partners.

Where can I learn more about your nonprofit partners?

Click here to visit our “Partners” page where we list and provide brief summaries about each of the eight organizations included in this campaign. From there, you can follow links to each of their websites.

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